Saturday, October 19, 2013

I made another bear... I think I have a problem.

I was talking to a work colleague, and we got to talking about crochet, because she's just getting back into knitting and crocheting. I was in the middle of making my hedgehog from my (rather long ago, I will admit) last post, so I had it with me and I showed it to her.

Then we got to talking about other things we've made, so I mentioned my bear habit. She'd just found out she was about to become a grandmother, and asked if she could commission one! I brought in a couple of my pre-made ones for her to have a look at. She loved the white one, and the baby is a boy so she asked if it could have blue accents.

Easy :)

Here he is!

I even learned to tie a tie properly - figured I may as well do it properly. That's a half-windsor knot. :)


I should really sell some more.
I did just buy a house.
Speaking of which, I may start posting some of my house-craft things in the future too. I haven't done much, but I will be doing a few little things.

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